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My Favorite Childhood Books

By Kate

Welcome back to the Lit Literature Gang blog! As a kid, I loved reading, and I had many favorite things to read, so I thought I would share some of the books I liked when I was younger. Leave a comment if you have read any of these books or liked any other books when you were a kid.

Rainbow Magic Fairy Books by Daisy Meadows

      The Rainbow Magic Fairy series contains several hundred books, and they are divided into sets of seven books. Each of the sets is a different category
of fairies, such as animal fairies or color fairies. I didn't get the chance to read all of the books, but I read a lot of them, and I would sometimes read an entire set in one day. All of the books are about two girls named Rachel and Kirsten, and in each one, the girls run into a problem caused by the main antagonist, Jack Frost, and a different fairy helps them solve the problem. I loved these books because it was exciting to see where Rachel and Kirsten's adventures would take them next, and I liked reading about each of the different types of fairies.

Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

Image result for harry potter book      I'm sure most of you have read or at least heard of the Harry Potter books, but in case you haven't, it is about a wizard named Harry Potter that goes to a magic school called Hogwarts. Harry is the only person to ever survive the Killing Curse that Lord Voldemort cast on him on the same night that he killed Harry's parents when he was still a baby. The books are about Harry's attempts to escape from Lord Voldemort and defeat him once and for all. I read the Harry Potter series when I was in second or third grade, and I liked them because they were about magic, which I was interested in when I was younger, and I hadn't read many books about magic or wizards before I read Harry Potter. All of the books were also action-packed and suspenseful, so they were fun to read. I thought the last few books in the series were a little predictable, but overall, it was still a good series and one of my favorites as a child.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

Image result for charlie and the chocolate factory book       In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a man named Willy Wonka decides to let five children take a tour of his chocolate factory. He releases five golden tickets in separate candy bars, and the people that find the chocolate bars with the tickets get to come to the factory. A boy named Charlie finds one of the tickets, and he gets to take a tour around the candy factory with his grandfather and four other lucky children. Charlie also ends up being the only kid that makes it through the whole tour without getting into some kind of trouble. This book was also one of my favorites because it was fun and whimsical, and it appeals to kids because Charlie gets to experience every kid's dream of taking a tour of a giant chocolate factory and being surrounded by tons of candy and sweets. I mean, what kind of kid doesn't want to sail in a river of chocolate or hike on a mountain made entirely of candy? Plus, I think Charlie and the Chocolate Factory teaches kids about honesty, greed, jealousy, and good behavior while still being entertaining and a fun book to read. I also liked some other books by Roald Dahl, like James and the Giant Peach and The BFG (big, friendly giant).


  1. I never read the first series you mentioned, but it seems like it was a great one for kids, just like how Charlie and the CHocolate Factory was. I never quite got into Harry Potter, but it is another series that many kids do end up reading. I like how you gave a detailed review of each of these books, so that someone would know what to say if anyone ever asked about good books for kids. I think you deserve to be Kate in: "Kate and the Bologna Factory", and redeem your many bolognas!

  2. Your post was fun to read, and it brought back memories of the books I used to read when I was younger. I read all the books you mentioned in your post, and Roald Dahl was one of my favorite authors in elementary school. I thought that your summary of all of the books was short yet informative, and although I don't think I will be re-reading these books anytime soon, this post was a nice change from the usual book reviews. Awesome job!

  3. This was a great idea for a blog! I remember also being really into Harry Potter and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I remember seeing a lot of other kids in elementary school carry around the Rainbow Magic Fairy Books too. You did a nice job summarizing each of these really popular books in a concise and detailed way. I also agree with your reasons for having enjoyed the books as I felt similarly. Nice job.

  4. Great post! I read all of the series you mentioned and really liked all of them too. I would maybe add another series (like Percy Jackson, Magic Tree House, Warriors, Wings of Fire, etc.) but your post summarized the main idea of each series you remembered really well. I also liked your post because you chose books that most people have read or at least heard of. J.K. Rowling and Roald Dahl are two of my favorite childhood authors, and I also read most of Roald Dahl’s other books. Overall, your post was fun to read and informative for anyone who hasn’t read these books.

  5. This is a really great post! I love how you turned the blog into something fun and new and it was super fun to read. As I read it, it brought so much memories back. I read all the books from The Rainbow Magic series and they were so easy to follow and fun because I loved fairies. i like how you made little sub categories and included the picture of the books for each of them. Amazing job!


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